
Monday, March 11, 2013

Birthday Beers

Moustache pint glass = bar photo fun

Today is my friend Lena's birthday. Yesterday, I spent a gorgeous sunny day in the Bronx celebrating with her and her posse. In addition to some great food at the Bronx Ale House, we took a long walk at Orchard Beach park, made a quick stop to the grounds of the Bartow-Pell Mansion, and headed over to City Island.

For those of you unfamiliar with NYC geography, City Island is a teeny island in the Bronx. If you didn't know better, you would think that you were in a New England fishing village rather than NYC. Yes, right in NYC. It's a fun place to have an afternoon where you feel like you got away for a quick vacation (or at least a nice seafood dinner). We settled on something a bit less fancy: some wings and these beers from Captain Lawrence Brewing Company (Elmsford, NY) at a local bar.

For the birthday girl: Brown Bird Ale.
For me: Captain's Kolsch.

Happy Birthday, Lena!

(Top photo of me courtesy of the birthday girl, Lena.)